LSPD vest textures

This is my LSPD vest textures for DCS Warrior Plate Carrier Pack from Reece Designs.


This will get updates later on.

This only includes the vest .ytd and I have done the patchwork for the vest with help from reecedesign’s DCS Warrior Pc vest and the template. And this pack offers 3 sets of five and you can pick and choose which ones you want.

lspd.rar (16.0 MB)

Credits to Reece.#7384 for the model and the template.

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Requirements Needs Reece Designs DCS Warrior Plate Carrier Pack
Support Yes

Many Thanks You Are Great - So go for it ( Medic - Garage - Fire ) :heart: :v:

thanks for the feed back i will be adding the other 2 packs later on i have been busy lately so its been a bit hard to get it all together

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Respect friend for You :heart:

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Good work, useful for my needs, thanks for the release


np glad you enjoyed it

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Hey! Is there a female version? :slight_smile:

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I just checked the models that I base it on and there does not appear to be but it is something to ask reece designs about

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