Los Santos Emergency Services is now recruiting for our Highway and Police Department division! We also need some civilians as well as dispatchers. We will conduct an interview in our discord. Just join it and message an admin! When you are moved we will ask you basic interview questions and decide whether you’ll fit in with our services or not. And don’t worry If you don’t because our civilian/dispatcher department is always in need of some great people! Thank you for looking at our forum, we look forward to protecting and serving with you in the near future! Plus, if you bring a friend and you both pass the interview process, we will add you to the drawing for our SGT’s position! Again, thanks for your interest in joining LSES, we look forward to hearing from you.
Discord: https://discord.gg/u5RUA6G
Website: https://lsesrp.mistforums.com/
Edit - 9/20/2017