Hello, I’ve recently started to look for any open management positions (or others). I would prefer Vmenu servers but QBcore is fine too. I’ve got plenty of experience within high management on servers, along with running multiple myself and them being successful. my discord is gkej#2055
Yo im interested in i have over 6 months of deving and lc on sacrp for staff plus dev team there to btw i added you im mesh#8586
bump still lookin
BTW me and him are together and i got 6 months of deving and head staff and dev team on sacrp
Your discord link didnt work
add mesh#8586
Says it doesnt work add Atro#0483
i sent you a freind request
i ment maz#8586 mb
bump once again still looking
bump still looking
bump again
Un ban me on discord we need to talk
bump again
Added hmu
Hello if you’re interested dm me on discord
MCS#0999 or join us @ 🦃 Vacation Life RP 🍁
Hello @americanhvh, I’m Jay and I represent an upcoming FiveM Community going by Devoted Roleplay. We are currently still looking for people with a specific skill set wanting to serve as staff & management.
We currently only have vMenu Servers so we fit your requirement. We would love to talk to you and get to know you a bit better. If you are interested please visit our FiveM Forums post below.
Our discord is linked at the bottom of the post, the easiest way to reach out to us would be through there, Please create a ticket and mention this post.
Thank you for reading, We hope to talk to you soon