Looking for Poledancing for player QB-Core

Hey all, Ive been looking all over and I cant find a script in QB-Core that would allow player to do poledancing in the unicorn. I know of [Release] Fishy's Poledance but Im looking for a QB version of that script or something similar. Anyone know of any ?

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Jim’s Vanilla Unicorn script has pole dancing:

Interesting, problem is we are not using the unicorn so it pains be to buy a script for that one function but if its the only thing available I guess I wont have a choice.

If you really want to use that free script, the only thing ESX about it is the 3d text, In client.lua you can just change lines 1&2 from

ESX = nil
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

local QBCore = exports[Config.Core]:GetCoreObject()

and line 12 from
ESX.ShowFloatingHelpNotification(Strings['Pole_Dance'], v['Position'])

and tada… qbcore…

edit: actually no im wrong, i just realize this is for drawing text on the hud and not in 3d space, sorry was firing off a reply while at work.

exports['qb-core']:DrawText(Strings['Pole_Dance'],'left') it will appear on screen.

not sure off the top of my head on how to do 3d text because qtarget is better optimized so i dont do 3d text.

how do you make it compatible for Qtarget? i made the changes you suggested and the text isnt showing up for me. different person having same problem lmao