Hello. My name is Dave and i am looking towards to run a brand new community.
I have some great ideas and have already built something.
As of right now i am looking for more people to develop more scripts, vehicle models, vehicle liveries, eup textures, logo’s, banners, websites and overall everything which is needed to build a good community.
It would be great to find a Media Team director who knows how to use Rockstar Editor + Has good graphics
You have to be 18 or +.
You have to be mature and respectful all the time.
Don’t add me if you are not going to send any messages.
Q&A (Quick Questions & Answers for you guys)
Q. Where is this server based off of?
A. California
Q. Is this a vMenu based server with it’s own framework?
A. Yes, i personally prefer more vMenu side because the creativity can get all over places and people tend to create more professional scenes.
Q. Why 18?
A. I believe that people around 17-18 start to understand how to be respectful and calm towards other people. I am not saying that under the age of 18 people are argumentative.
Q. How long will this project take?
A. This project will take as long as it takes to finish. I personally prefer everything setup and make sure everything is in working order before release. Yes there can be test patrols etc.