(Looking for) arrest script [/arrest] no prison teleport

I’m looking for a script that you do “/arrest” and after a long response it says “success”. This is what I’m looking for: (something like this)

Please reply below if you know anything about this script.

why would you not want it to take them to the prison? very simple to make

Ah yes very good roleplay person go ploof right in front of you.

this made me giggle a little lol i might write something like that up and release it :eyes:

If you plan to make a Prison Script you should actually add a custom sound that says: “Ploof” and then the Player is gone. xD

I am currently working on another script which you can see on my github Which you can see here :slight_smile:

I have recently talked to @OfficialBadger and i will be making this feature for his Jailing resource, as a pull request on Github so watch that post in the next few days :slight_smile: