Looking for a script to disable npc weapon drop

i checked out this script and it didnt seem to have a download page and i wasnt sure where to add in all the code in the post so if someone could tell me how to use that or link me another one that would be good, thanks.

if u read the thread that you linked, then you will find download link

what, this? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ESX-PUBLIC/ESX-Snippet/master/gameplay/NoMoreWeaponsOnNPC.lua

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thanks mate

that script is giving me resource issues do you know how i can fix that?

For the resource you linked simply take that snippet and sti k it in any client script that you have. Normally sticking it in a main client script works.

so i just put hat part into a main.lua in ANY script?

Any client script that you want. But i recommend consolidating them all into the same file. However if that is not possible just pick one and stick it at the very bottom of any client script.

whcih script could i use for example. i tried it on one of mine there and it never worked

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