Looking for a FiveM car livery maker

Is there any FiveM livery makers that can make me an Ottawa firetruck livery like this https://www.fireapparatusmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/content/dam/fa/online-articles/2014/06/POD/FA060614-KME.jpg for this firetruck https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/pierce-lafd-firetruck-by-pimdslr

Edit: also i would need an ambulance livery as well https://postmediaottawacitizen2.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/jlev1085-jpg.jpg?quality=80&strip=all&w=371&h=277&crop=1 (im willing to pay as well)

The model provided would not be a good model to use

The I’ve circled on the back of the truck how the toolboxes don’t like up, you would be unable to continue the yellow stripe in the correct place nor would you be able to put “Ottawa FIRE-INCENDIE” on the top.

For anyone that comes along later here is the ottawa fd logo incase it saves you some time.

Here is the official ottawa city logo for the bottom right door

And here is a better reference photo

what would be a good model to use then if you can link me one

would this be good https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/veteran-mods-fire-pack-2-non-els