[Looking for a Developer] RedlineRP 1,300+ Discord Members Whitelisted Community

We are looking for an Advanced Script Developer,

If you are able to make something like this: [HELP] Trying to stop people from spawning custom cars, Car Spawning Log
This is about what we will be needing. If you join the Discord make sure to DM me Bush#8334

Updated Post: 8/19

It’s not hard to install pre-made scripts, all you need is FTP. Just drag and drop and add resource to server.cfg.

@Bush do you still need a developer?

@Shaken Yes i still need one.

I am able to be your developer. I know how to do everything for the most part @Bush

Updated Post: 8/19

This is a different community then what was here before. [Looking for a Developer] RedlineRP 1,300+ Discord Members Whitelisted Community, is the updated new community.

Literally search how to blacklist vehicles. You have a whole forums at your disposal so use it! You need a logging system? There is one here. You need a whitelist/blacklist system? One here. Please use your resources.

Not trying to blacklist them. Just dont want people being able to spawn them, be still being able to drive them.

Get rid of your lambda menu then and disable script hook.

All Server-Side Menus i found have had issues. Trust me that’s the first thing i did.

What kind of issues?

Mello was only able to Save 3 Vehicles & didn’t have the option to Freeze Vehicles. VMenu caused crashing.

Then modify one of them to do what you want. Learn the code.

I can Modify LUA, but VMenu is using a different type of code. Anyways the community prefers Client Side Menus that they are familiar with, that’s why I’m looking for what i was looking for.

no server sided lambda lmao

Damn imagine how far this server would get

bush use the vmenu and then config file and for admin so they can do it all put them in a admin side for other go down the options for ones needed turned off type false and the ones need one type true it not hard to work as as he also has a instruction menu on how to edit the file

Hey @Bush I am a prety good developer that can help you do you still need developers

3 years ago bro

My server desperately need a Dev!

we would like you to come on fulltime if at all possible?

if not we can sort something else with you?