Hi, I am Cole! I am a Server Developer or a Server Administrator! I do not know how to code, but I do understand how to setup FXServer, CouchDB, and soon MySQL. I also know how to setup Cops-FiveM and create a non-clientside server. (which means very little goes into the clients game ((which is helpful for beginners)).) I only ask that you use a VPS that runs windows (whether that be 2008/2008R2, 2012/2012R2, 2016, or even windows 10). If you would like to hire me (for free), hit me up on discord @ Cole#8384. Or by email (which is in my profile).
Oy, this isnt a rant thread here, I have some knowledge and it can be useful.
Also, Your going to bash me because im learning? I bet people love to be around you!