Hi, i’m looking for a more efficient ban script rather than es_admin
I’d like these features/hopefully someone already has a script for this.
/ban ID = perm bans the player from joining the server again with the message “You have been banned from this server”
/ban ID reason = perm bans the player from joining the server again along with the reason you put, example:
You have been banned from this server - Reason: FailRP RDM, appeal on our discord server.
Pretty much any reason you want.
/ban ID secs = bans the player from joining the server again along with seconds for the ban to last
/ban ID reason secs = bans the player from joining the server again with the reason you put and along with seconds for the ban to last
Also maybe an sql database or some command in chat like /unban identifier or /unban ID so u can unban the members
I’d like this if someone could make this into a script as it would be very useful.
es_admin has a few flaws
Only bans someone for 24 hours
You cannot perm ban
You cannot input a custom time for the ban
You cannot put a reason
You cannot unban if someone is banned
EasyAdmin doesn’t ban someone permanently for me. I tried banning a member twice but they kept re-joining. banlist.txt also didn’t get updated, stuck at 0KB. Yes, I used the menu as Admin.