LOD / SLOD Texture issues

Are using a resource called “maploader” by MorovianLion? or are you letting them standalone and the vanilla stuff is handled by bob74_ipl?

EDIT: Ok, so, I can’t speak for yall, but I figured out the issue on our end. We use a resource by MorovionLion called ‘maploader’. It checks your distance from interiors/ymaps and loads and unloads ymaps defined in its config.lua.

The issue we were having specifically has to do with children ymaps being unloaded messing up the parent lod ymaps.

So, I’m essentially not saying that maploader was the issue, however, if there is an instance where you have a ymap with a parent and the child ymap is being loaded/unloaded improperly without consideration for the parent ymap, this issue will manifest.

Now, is this the only cause/explanation for this issue? No, but it is definitely worth considering.

This is a big deal with the Gabz maps because so many of his maps are replacement maps that he has to remake both the parent and child ymaps and replace them with his own. So, yeah, there’s that. @ me for any questions please.

Resource in question: Maploader [standalone][paid]