Lock Menu FPS

Alot of servers have long queues where we have to wait for around 2-4 hours, can we lock the FPS of the FiveM menu while we’re in queue, to like 30fps or lower so we can play other games while we wait in queue. Also, an option to not have vice city playing in the background would be nice.

Anything? It’s annoying having my fps for the menu at 165fps while I try to play CS GO when I’m waiting in a long queue to get in to a server. Honestly strange that the FiveM server browser doesn’t have an FPS lock option, such an easy thing to implement.

I don’t think this is currently possible right now unfortunately, Sorry i cannot be further assistance.

It’s not just a ‘server browser’, it’s GTA V idling in the background as well. ‘165 FPS’ is odd though, I’ve never seen the main menu go above 75.

Also, it doesn’t have such an option as you’re the first to request it - functionality doesn’t end up existing just out of nowhere.

… and it’s not a priority either given the potential for any new functionality to randomly break, if you feel the need to play on servers with ‘2-4 hour queues’, maybe ask the server owners if they can make an out-of-game queue like on a website or so? :man_shrugging:

I guess it doesn’t can be change now

FPS in main menu are locked to monitor refresh rate, i have 144Hz and its very laggy - FPS jumps from 144 to 75, i think fivem has lock to 75 but it not works correctly.

Sorry for bad english, i’m from Poland.

no, it doesn’t have a ‘lock to 75’.

Hello! So FiveM Default locks FiveM to 60 FPS in the Loading Screen, but when you join, It will unlock to your Regular FPS. If FiveM locked FPS to 30 on the Start Screen, It would lower performance for many. There’s a lot of FiveM Servers, and It would take forever for the List to load. I do believe they could add a Low Performance Mode, or something that would allow you to Play other games, while waiting for a server to load.

@nta It would be nice to have a FPS cap overall. Sometimes I get 70’C GPU Temps in main menu. Might be due to GTA II loading everytime or due to the rain effect that game gives at random time.

I get less GPU temperature on 80 slot server then loading screen because I get 144 FPS in loading screen.

Just a FPS Modifier or default FPS cap to 60 would be helpful in settings.