Locale[en]does not exist

I need help !!
It has no way to use .


Does the resource have an English locale?

yes! But it can’t read.

can you help me?

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Can we see en.lua?

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Locales['en'] = {
  -- Cloakroom
  ['cloakroom'] = 'Cloakroom',
  ['citizen_wear'] = 'Citizen Clothes',
  ['mafia_wear'] = 'Mafia Clothes',
  ['open_cloackroom'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to change',
  -- Armory
  ['get_weapon'] = 'Get Weapon',
  ['put_weapon'] = 'Remove Weapon',
  ['buy_weapons'] = 'Buy Weapons',
  ['armory'] = 'Armory',
  ['open_armory'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the armory',
  -- Vehicles
  ['vehicle_menu'] = 'Vehicle',
  ['vehicle_out'] = 'there is already a vehicle out',
  ['vehicle_spawner'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to spawn a vehicle',
  ['store_vehicle'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to store the vehicle',
  ['service_max'] = 'Complete service : ',
  -- Action Menu
  ['citizen_interaction'] = 'interaction with the robbed / kidnapped',
  ['vehicle_interaction'] = 'vehicle interaction',
  ['object_spawner'] = 'place objects',

  ['id_card'] = 'ID card',
  ['search'] = 'Search',
  ['handcuff'] = 'Handcuff',
  ['drag'] = 'Drag',
  ['put_in_vehicle'] = 'Put in vehicle',
  ['out_the_vehicle'] = 'Put out of vehicle',
  ['fine'] = 'Fine',
  ['no_players_nearby'] = 'no players nearby'

  ['vehicle_info'] = 'Vehicle info',
  ['pick_lock'] = 'Lock pick',
  ['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'Vehicle unlocked',
  ['no_vehicles_nearby'] = 'No nearby vehicles',
  ['traffic_interaction'] = 'Traffic interaction',
  ['cone'] = 'Cone',
  ['barrier'] = 'Barrier',
  ['spikestrips'] = 'Spikestrips',
  ['box'] = 'Box',
  ['cash'] = 'Cash',
  -- ID Card Menu
  ['name'] = 'Name : ',
  ['bac'] = 'BAC : ',
  -- Body Search Menu
  ['confiscate_dirty'] = 'steal dirty money : $',
  ['guns_label'] = '--- Armes ---',
  ['confiscate'] = 'confiscate ',
  ['inventory_label'] = '--- Inventory ---',
  ['confiscate_inv'] = 'confiscate x',
  -- Vehicle Info Menu
  ['plate'] = 'N°: ',
  ['owner_unknown'] = 'owner: Unknown',
  ['owner'] = 'Owner : ',
  -- Weapons Menus
  ['get_weapon_menu'] = 'Armory - Take Weapon',
  ['put_weapon_menu'] = 'Armory - Deposit Weapon',
  ['buy_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Purchase Weapons',
  ['not_enough_money'] = 'you do not have enough money',
  -- Boss Menu
  ['take_company_money'] = 'withdraw money company',
  ['deposit_money'] = 'deposit money',
  ['amount_of_withdrawal'] = 'amount of withdrawal',
  ['invalid_amount'] = 'invalid ammount',
  ['amount_of_deposit'] = 'ammount to deposit',
  ['open_bossmenu'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the menu',
  ['quantity_invalid'] = 'Invalid quantity',
  ['have_withdrawn'] = 'You have removed x',
  ['added'] = 'You have added x',
  ['quantity'] = 'Quantity',
  ['inventory'] = 'Inventory',
  ['mafia_stock'] = 'Mafia Stock',
  -- Misc
  ['remove_object'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to remove the object',
  ['map_blip'] = 'Mafia',
  -- Notifications
  ['from'] = '~s~ à ~b~',
  ['you_have_confinv'] = 'you stole ~y~x',
  ['confinv'] = '~s~ stole you ~y~x',
  ['you_have_confdm'] = 'you flew ~y~$',
  ['confdm'] = '~s~ stole you ~y~$',
  ['you_have_confweapon'] = 'you flew ~y~x1 ',
  ['confweapon'] = '~s~ stole you ~y~x1 ',
  ['alert_mafia'] = 'Alert mafia',
  -- Authorized Vehicles
  ['schafter3'] = 'Civilian vehicle',
  ['sandking'] = '4X4',
  ['mule3'] = 'Transport truck',
  ['guardian'] = 'grand 4x4',
  ['burrito3'] = 'Van',
  ['mesa'] = 'Off-road',
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I really need your help plz

I’m gonna need for you to send the locale language file for French as well, and tell me under what menu section is this error showing up? (ID card, or whatever…)

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You solved my problem.
I just need to translate it, right?

No, you need to check what’s in the box [‘here’], copy it to the EN locale file and fill in.

I have the same problem I have rewritten the locale from en to de but now in ingame comes locale-does-not-exist Can someone tell me what I can do about it? I’ve tried everything but can not get it

You can only change according to your language.

have you solve your problem ?

I’m having this issue as well can you help me?

you forgot some sign ',

Im having this issue with Santander Bank. When i go to a ATM it says ‘locale [en] does not exist’ but en.lua is in locales folder which it came in. Any help?

U don’t have to edit the thing between [ ] but the thing [ ] = ‘here’
Imagine: [sex] = ‘sex’ so you want to put it in spanish: [sex] = “sexo”
Idk if that’s what u meant but hope it helps.

man I got the same problem, but with the skin menu. It shows: Locale en does not exist. Any solution?