April 22, 2019, 7:51pm
FiveM Loadingscreen
Music (toggle on and off with space)
If you’re intrested to get something else, let me know.
How to change text?
Open edit_this.html with any edit program ( Visual Studio Code )
Search for the following text you want to change with CTRL F .
If you have ideas for new projects, let me know and i’ll look into it.
Discord panzar#9526
Any way you can make it so it cycles through multiple pictures?
April 24, 2019, 2:17pm
I use this. It’s pretty legit. The only issue I have is it usually doesn’t play the music but for about…ten seconds or so then stops.
I love this loading screen.
Music seems to stop well before the loading screen disappears, though.
Working all fine for me, is there any way to change the background photo to be a rotating cycle of images.
How can i put in the loadinscreen my own picture ?
Hey, how do I make it so the background is multi picture?
kinda off topic but whats the name of the song in the preview?
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we have the same issue with the music sadly… 5-10 seconds and stop’s, anyone knows why?
i think you can but now sure
June 28, 2019, 4:10am
how to fix music stopping after seconds?
Lots of ways to make this customized, but how do we get the music to keep playing after it has stopped after a mere few seconds?
Did find a fix for the “few seconds” issue. It seems that the music file you’re using needs to be quite small (around 4mb or smaller). Any larger has issues of stopping after only a few seconds.
the loading screen appear black help?
agree with others, music stops playing after a few seconds. replaced original music with TBoGT loading theme converted from .WAV to .OGG then named to music.ogg
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hey! How can i insert a video on this template of loading screen?
Is the Picture in the background Copyrighted?