Loading screen "Crystal"

New beautiful loading screen with full sources. Written in pure JS, without the use of frameworks.
code got better :mascot:

*Convenient config, you can delete and add contacts in one line. Just filling in the information.
*Video in the background, you can change it in the config.
*We can put music from a stream or your own from a folder.
*Multiple music or radio
*Music switch and volume control.
*Loading bar, fills up as it loads.
*Preview animation your logo.
*Nice animation of blocks when opening and closing.

here load screen: https://sergey-lucky.tebex.io/


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hi I am having an issue where the loading screen does not turn off once the player loads into the server

read the FXmanifest

How would I go about streaming my music from a folder rather than through a streaming service?

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Money well spent :slight_smile: Thank you.

It does not work, my brother and I have the same problem the loading screen crashes and does not allow the server to enter, I have sent 2 emails to the owner of the script and he does not answer.

I rarely visit here lately, personal files have appeared. Remove the line “loadscreen_manual_shutdown ‘yes’” in fxmanifest

Problem solved, but you should check the mail more often, if it is the only support you give.

sorry, usually i am on the forum every day

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Really bro…

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its lamar bro

check ur pm’s when possible

would like to do this myself as I want to put music I have rights to

Just bought this but i have no access to it, it requires a password to open the rar folder but where is the password to open it?

Nvm figured it out i was blind

The link doesnt work to buy :frowning:

oh, boohoo he said the n-word. if you don’t like it change it