Loading screen "3D banner"

Amazing 3d effect server loading screen.
Pure JS, without the use of frameworks with full sources.


  • Convenient config, you can delete and add news/rules/contacts in one line. Just filling in the information. (CONFIG)
  • Characters and background, the color of the download bar is set randomly on every connection. You add unlimited number of characters and backgrounds to them, as well as the color of the loading bar.
  • You can add 2 of your videos on the home screen.
  • We can put music from a stream or your own from a folder. Quantity is unlimited, randomly when connected.
  • Loading bar, fills up as it loads.
  • Your logo on the 3D banner in the upper right corner.

I enjoyed working on it, thanks for the support.

link to this resource: tebex

demo :mascot:

demo #2


can this be open in-game? like press f3? that would be a cool feature. also in the rules section maybe add INFO and inside people can have CONTROLS, RULES, ETC. which is why would be cool to open it in-game. The price is great in my opinion.

no, this is a loading screen, but in principle, you can do

18$ for a loadingscreen … :rofl:

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The design itself cost more, if it is so dear to you, I am not forcing you to buy it. Choose something simpler, you can find it for free.

a question, because when you start the resource, the loading screen is removed, I mean the one you see a bridge!, as soon as it finishes loading your screen resource, the bridge is skipped

-LoadScreen_seawave v1.1

There is a tutorial from ChristoperM that explains how to remove that.

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