Loading modded .ymt files in RedM (client-side)


I’ve been attempting to create and use some client-sided mods which involve editing .ymt files.

I use xml .ymt files with the file extension changed since there are no tools to compile a binary .ymt file for RDR2 yet - I’ve tried loading this mod into RedM by placing it in the proper location, unfortunately, I came across an error:

An exception occurred during execution of the INIT_CORE function for CCamera

I thought it was an issue with the mod, so I exported the original .ymt from RDR2, loaded just fine, then I manually edited an .xml export like mentioned above and the same error showed up again.

I’ve also tried editing various other .ymt files like map_data and ptfx related ones and they all have an “exception” when their function is being loaded.

RDR2’s LML can load non-binary ymt files (xmls) just fine, I wonder if this is not possible with RedM or I have to do something specific to get it to work, anybody got any ideas?

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