Load .dll compiled library using lua

Hi there,
Early I used effil library to multithreading, yes, I know, I can use default .CreateThread, but I have some reasons literally to use effil library.

I’m trying to use require for .dll file, but nothing works.


fx_version 'cerulean'
game 'gta5'

name 'effil'
version '0.0.0'

server_scripts {


local capi = require 'libeffil'

local api = {
    version = "0.1.0",
    table = capi.table,
    thread_id = capi.thread_id,
    sleep = capi.sleep,
    yield = capi.yield,
    rawget = capi.rawget,
    rawset = capi.rawset,
    setmetatable = capi.setmetatable,
    getmetatable = capi.getmetatable,
    G = capi.G,
    gc = capi.gc,
    channel = capi.channel,
    type = capi.type,
    pairs = capi.pairs,
    ipairs = capi.ipairs,
    allow_table_upvalues = capi.allow_table_upvalues

api.size = function (something)
    local t = api.type(something)
    if t == "effil.table" then
        return capi.table_size(something)
    elseif t == "effil.channel" then
        return something:size()
        error("Unsupported type " .. t .. " for effil.size()")

local function run_thread(config, f, ...)
    return capi.thread(config.path, config.cpath, config.step, f, ...)

-- Creates thread runner with given function
-- configurable parameters:
--     path - lua modules search path in child thread
--     cpath - lua libs search path in child thread
--     step - who fast reacte on state changing
--     __call - run thread, can be invoked multiple times
api.thread = function (f)
    if type(f) ~= "function" then
        error("bad argument #1 to 'effil.thread' (function expected, got " .. capi.type(f) .. ")")

    local thread_config = {
        path = package.path,
        cpath = package.cpath,
        step = 200 }
    setmetatable(thread_config, {__call = function(c, ...) return run_thread(c, f, ...) end})
    return thread_config

return api

And i get “SCRIPT ERROR: @effil/effil.lua:1: module ‘libeffil’ not found”.

Is there any possibilities to use .dll - core?

It’s currently not possible to use native libraries with FiveM Lua.