Limit your FPS quickly and easily [NVIDIA - AMD]

- Nvidia Control Panel

  1. Open the Nvidia Control Panel

  2. Go to “Manage 3D Settings”

  3. Select “Program Settings”

  4. Click “Add”

  5. In the window that opens, click “Browse” and navigate to the following folder:


(If you’ve installed FiveM to a different different folder, replace %localappdata% with your installation path.)

  1. Select FiveM_b2545_GTAProcess.exe and click Open (Choose the version you want).


  1. In the Program Settings tab, you’ll see a list of settings. Find the “Max Frame Rate” option, click the setting, switch it to “On”, and input your desired FPS.

  2. Click OK

  3. Click “Apply”

  4. If you had FiveM running while doing this, restart the game.

- AMD Radeon Chill

  1. Go into Radeon settings and under the gaming tab, on the top right area of the menu, click the dropdown and “Add a Game”.

  2. Locate and select FiveM_b2545_GTAprocess.exe. Default FiveM installation folder: (Choose the version you want).



  1. Select the Profile you’ve created for FiveM_b2545_GTAprocess.exe

  2. Scroll down and activate the Chill setting, set the FPS Min and Max.

Configuring FiveM to display FPS

  1. Press F8 to pull up the console

  2. cl_drawFps 1

  3. cl_drawPerf 1

  4. Press Enter

Your FiveM client will now display FPS and other diagnostics.


Note for NVIDIA, the option above is only available on driver version 441.87 and above (update your driver if you haven’t yet), this is unfortunately only for Kepler and newer chip generation.

But fortunately for previous driver version, Nvidia actually has “hidden frame rate limiter”. So If your nvidia card is Fermi or older, you can try Nvidia Profile Inspector instead:

Just go click on release, follow similar step as OP, and set “Frame Rate Limiter”

Note: The “Frame Rate Limiter V3” is basically the same one found in Nvidia Control Panel for newer drivers.

Another alternative to limit FPS is using VSync, this is available in GTA V settings, but only based on monitor refresh rate, e.g. 60 Hz VSync = limited at 60 FPS, Half VSync = limited at 30 FPS.
Please note that enabling VSync may decrease performance, YMMV.