Limit of 255 carcols/siren ID's. Possibility to remove limit?

There is a limit of 255 siren id’s (carcols) as many are aware (though some aren’t).
Client mods exist to mitigate this. However nothing for FiveM has ever been implemented on the server side.

Is that something that may be adjustable? Pertaining to the issue of 8-bit vs 32-bit integers?

If this fellow was able to do it on the client side, there is some hope here. This limit certainly exists. Though most car devs and server owners are unaware of it. They just randomly type 5435245 or something and hope for the best each time and are using advice from single player mods rather than FiveM.

For the client version that increased siren id’s allowed perhaps you can take a look here if it helps:
(Main Release:
(This is the latest FiveM client sided mod:
(Older source code: GitHub - cpast/SirenSetting_Limit_Remover)

Having it built right into FiveM would be incredible. As getting everyone on a server to install client sided mods is not feasible and not a good practice in general anyway.

Sorry that I cannot offer more technical info or reproduction steps about hitting this limit in here. However I believe its fairly common knowledge amongst seasoned server owners or at least some devs I would assume by now.

ps. I have no idea if the fix will be similar to this or not. But its worth noting anyways as mentioned by @Disquse. Workaround for ped props limit in FiveM by Disquse · Pull Request #2421 · citizenfx/fivem · GitHub


Can you please provide a reproduction resource with an explanation what’s going on (how’s the issue affecting the game) and what would it require to “avoid” the issue (e.g. remove some meta entry or so).

I need to create a pack with more than 255 vehicles in it each with different lighting pattern requirements (ID’s) to be able to show you. I will see what I can do.

Why do you need a car pack with 255 cars? Thats insane for a fivem server, file size and textures alone make file size huge,

Some FiveM server such as a few I develop for have PD, FD, DOT, EMS, and so on. On top of all those some servers have custom Civilian Vehicles and quite a few Civ vehicles have custom carcols as well leading the number to go up and up. Making people like myself and @LegacysMaps to need something to remove the limit for the lights.

I hope you found something that works cause I have not found anything yet, I agree making everyone on a server to download a client side thing is insanity. The only thing I have found and used in some servers is a thing from Nothern Workshop called Carcol Fixer, unfortunately it only goes up to the 255 limit.

I agree, relying on client-side mods is far from ideal. Unfortunately, the 255 limit is a hard cap due to the use of 8-bit integers, which is why even tools like Carcol Fixer can’t go beyond it. While there are client-side solutions like the SirenSetting Limit Adjuster, the real fix would be a server-side implementation in FiveM itself. It’s frustrating, but until FiveM addresses this, we’re stuck with the current limitations. Hopefully, this issue gets more attention from the FiveM development team, as it’s clearly something that affects many servers.


Unfortunately Disquse is no longer with the project.

However, I have made this issue but no one has replied. 8-bit to 32-bit integer - potential fixes for sirensetting id (carcol) (vehicle lights) · Issue #2612 · citizenfx/fivem · GitHub

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