When I try to start my server it says this “this server does not have a license key specified. Please set the sv_licenseKey console variable to a key from https://keymaster.fivem.net/. (for example, set sv_licenseKey “key” in the config, or +set sv_licenseKey key on the command line)”
Ive got a license key and i put it in the right place. I tried to follow this tutorial Server licence key not working but it still didnt work.
Again, this is NO information regarding YOUR problem!
What is your directory structure like?
What folder are you in when starting the server
What is the full console output?
How did you enter the license key into your server.cfg
and so on…
Information information information. The instructions on http://docs.fivem.net/server/ are very clear and you should not have to follow a video at all. Follow this instructions step by step and you should be good.