Liberty City in FiveM

Hello, I’m on a personal project, but in a nutshell. I am putting the map of Liberty City in FiveM, but I am with some problems that goes beyond my knowledge of how to solve.

The map is on the server, but the problem is that it is having some texture problems, as if it were a heavy texture.

I would like to know how to solve it, instead of having to reduce all the map textures that are many.

If you have ways to solve it, even in _resources.lua


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I dont understand or see an issue with any of these pictures.

Some streets are bumpy texture!

They have a texture problem, they change color and so on.

I have The Same problem did you end up fixing this ?

How did you install the map?


I started the project at that time, I got some people to help me. We managed to make a functional version, and then we passed the project on to other people. If I’m not mistaken now, CJ is in the project.

The project of Fivem is not handled by CJ its handled by someone else

There are a lot of people with the project. Whatever…

dose anyone have the traffic path lua

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some gtxd.meta file is missing

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