LGF Admin Menu / Tool

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LGF Admin Menu

This resource is in its current state, and while it’s compatible with QBox and ESX, it requires my LGF_Utility for UI management and framework handling. Vehicle, ped, and object data are stored in web/components/data. Pull requests for improvements or new features are welcome.


  • Code Execution Page: For debugging purposes (recommended for creators only).
  • Leaflet Map with Player List: Shows a map with a list of players.
  • Entity Spawner: Spawn peds, objects, and vehicles in the game world.
  • Resource Manager: Allows for managing and restarting resources.
  • Debug Tools: Includes raycast debugging for entities.
  • Inventory Management: Add items to the inventory.
  • Dashboard with Logs: Keeps track of actions and provides an entity counter for better monitoring.


Required Dependencies:

  • LGF_Utility: This is required for managing the UI placement, framework interactions, and other essential functions.

Setup Instructions:

  1. Install LGF_Utility: LGF_Utility GitHub Repository

    • Ensure that LGF_Utility is installed and properly configured in your server environment.
  2. License Configuration:

    • To give the necessary permissions, add your license details to the modules/server/sv-config.lua file. You can find this file within the project directory.
  3. UI and Framework Compatibility:

    • The resource is compatible with QBox, ESX, and requires the use of the LGF_Utility for managing UI elements, prop placements, and framework functionalities.
  4. Data Management:

    • Vehicle, Ped, and Object data management is handled through the web/components/data folder.

Folder Structure:

  • The vehicle, ped, and object data is located in: web/components/data




Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you would like to contribute new features, optimizations, or bug fixes.


wooow really nice work and very help ful tool bro

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which key i did klick that i see that menu??

how to open the menu?

jo same

I forgot to put the command in the config, but anyway just open the file and search for RegisterCommand…

Amazing man, very helpful!!

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I am using ESX and for some reason I get an unsupported framework server error when trying to open the menu. I put my license in the sv-config too

if you use esx you dont need to put the license, but put the Framework License, like char:1 ecc, and for error, if i dont see the error im not a wizard

I literally said the error “unsupported framework”… no one is expecting you to be a wizard just to at least know the errors your own script spits out to the server console. Anyway I fixed the error, It was saying one of my items had a Nil name but I couldn’t find any items like that so I fixed it by doing this in Editable.lua

table.sort(itemNames, function(a, b)
            return a.name < b.name


table.sort(itemNames, function(a, b)
    return (a.name or '') < (b.name or '')

no prob, you can pr on github if you want