πŸ‘‘ LegendsRP | Economy | Allowlisted | Player-Owned Businesses | Streamer Friendly | Serious Roleplay | Highly Optimized

:crown: LegendsRP | Brand New 18+ Whitelisted Community :crown:

:star2: Introducing LegendsRP - The Ultimate 18+ FiveM Roleplaying Experience! :star2:

:movie_camera: Server Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dv8W0jOpCw&t=4s&ab_channel=LegendsRP

:mega: Calling all seasoned roleplayers and aspiring legends! LegendsRP is here to redefine the world of GTA V roleplay. :rocket:

:city_sunset: Dive into a thriving virtual city, where limitless opportunities await you. From the neon-lit streets to the pulsating heart of the underground, LegendsRP offers a rich and immersive roleplaying experience like no other. Are you ready to become a legend in your own right?

:globe_with_meridians: Why Choose LegendsRP?
:people_holding_hands: Active Community: Our server launched on October 1st, 2023 and we already have a consistent and active player base of over 450+ active members in the Discord.

:busts_in_silhouette: 18+ Whitelisted Community: Maturity is our cornerstone, ensuring an immersive and enjoyable atmosphere.

:movie_camera: Attention Content Creators: LegendsRP supports our content creators! Simply put the phrase β€œLegendsRP” in your Twitch stream title to be able to be shouted out in the content creators section of the Discord! LegendsRP is a great place to come and grow your channel’s community!

:man_police_officer: Law Enforcement & Criminal Life: Choose your path, uphold the law or break it – the choice is yours.

:video_game: Civilian Activities: Enjoy Bowling, Billiards Pool, Fishing, Farming, and Hunting, with much more fun to be added in later content updates!

:gun: Criminal Activities: Such as a vast array of different drugs to grow, manufacture & sell to build your criminal empire. Or rather, take on difficult and rewarding custom heists at Fleeca Bank, Paleto Savings, and Pacific Standard Bank.
:red_car: Custom Vehicles: From sleek sports cars to rugged off-roaders, your dream ride is waiting.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Player-Driven Economy: Build your empire or collaborate in our thriving virtual economy.

:tada: Regular Events: Experience exhilarating events, challenges, and competitions.

:globe_with_meridians: Active Staff: Our dedicated team ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience.

:tada: Launch Date: October 1, 2023

:video_game: Platform: FiveM

:bulb: Age Requirement: 18+ (Because Legends are mature)

:loudspeaker: Don’t miss your chance to join a revolution in roleplaying! Secure your spot in our Whitelisted community and let your legend begin.

:speech_balloon: Join our Discord now to learn more and be among the first to step into the LegendsRP world: LegendsRP

:globe_with_meridians: Website: https://www.legendsrp.com/

:bird: Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LegendsRPFiveM

:film_projector: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LegendsRPFiveM

:rocket: Legends are not born; they are made in LegendsRP! Are you ready to leave your mark? :fire:


Actual good and optimized server!a

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Great server with a great community behind it. Good time to get in tbh.

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Thought still a relatively new server, there is so much potential for growth. A lot of amazing groundwork has been placed into the community and into the world in which we all play in. There are new things added quite often with quite a bit of input from the community itself. I cannot wait to see what more comes from this server!

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Only server I dont crash on every 5 minutes. Great community and actually an RP focused server.

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Doesn’t feel like a copy paste NoPixel server. Community is great. Enjoy meeting people in the city!

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I have very much enjoyed my time in Legends. The server is still relatively new, but it is continuously growing. There are always things being worked on and improved for the betterment of the community and the stories we create. The community is very nice and a great spot for newer people and seasoned RP veterans. The people I have met here are some of the greatest people you will meet. They are very inclusive and will help you better your RP! I may not be the best at RP but I am still learning and this is a great place to do so. There are always things going on and people are always throwing events. The economy is good, and you don’t have to grind forever to afford a car to get started. I am looking forward to what we can create in the future and what Legend my character(s) can become.

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Come check out the latest updates!