Lbg-char - Standalone character creator

Could someone do it for ESX? I’ve been trying to do it for days (When the character reconnects, he doesn’t save anything about his appearance)

second comment of the server.lua file:
--The event triggered by the client when they quit character creation is 'lbg-chardone', with the character table passed as an argument
edit: somehow forgot to give out an explanation:
convert the table to json, save it using kvp as string on the server
when player joins, check, then set all the details of the character

would it be possible to integrate this into vmenu? so basically save character via vmenu and open the creator also…

no idea lmao

xd ok

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if ur not used to vmenu modifiying i guess its not possible xd

Hi, i can’t choose the female gender

Did you find a solution to this? its not that you can’t switch to the female, its like its going super quick and always ends up back on that Male. Switch to Female with mouse click, works no problem.

A solution would be nice, I don’t know why it would work with mouse click but not arrow key.

Hello, can it be used on qb-core’s registration role system

Hi, Where should I put it ?
I did put it in client.lua but it didnt work

You have to put it in client.lua.
If it doesnt work, you have to check for errors.

Yeah I was able to fix it, but I do not use it anymore, since I add custom clothes to my server and I cant access them with this script so that. But thanks for reply!

Were you able to solve this? Having the same issue. Modified this script and don’t want to switch.

this would need to put the firstspawn value into a db so that it saves first spawn upon server/client restart

Good updates for the future, spaw with the last modification made, and having the option to wear EUP clothes.
A good idea would be to have a database to save the changes, but I think this would take much longer to be effective.

But in itself, nice work.

Hey is there any way to make it the appeal menu like more idk better ?? Like that its not premade outfits, but that user can acually choose the tops, pants etc.

Im looking at a coder that can make this script save player to database, so that obviously it saves on rejoining server to users ped.

Or if anyone knows of script that does this standalone, IE: no qb or esx needed that would be great