Launcher doesn't launch
Up to date : Yes
Legit copy
Social Club version
Windows 8
I disabled it.

veM client folder screenshot
GTX 770
INTEL i7-4770
[ 15] Initialized system mapping!
[ 78] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: “D:\FiveM\FiveM.exe”
[ 921] Initialized system mapping!
[ 984] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: “D:\FiveM\\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe” -steamparent:14704
[ 984] Initializing Steam parent.
[ 1031] Initializing Steam parent: Steam’s running.
[ 1093] Initializing Steam parent: Initializing presence.
[ 1093] Initializing Steam parent: Attempting to run processes.
[ 1140] Initialized system mapping!
[ 1156] hello from “D:\FiveM\FiveM.exe”
[ 1187] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: “D:\FiveM\\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe” -steamchild:14704
[ 1187] game parent PID: 14704
[ 1187] waiting for process to exit…
[ 1234] Got ros:launcher process - pid 13032
[ 1281] Hello!
[ 1421] Replacing function table list entry 0x142be3000 with 0x142be3000
[ 1468] Initialized system mapping!
[ 1531] hello from “D:\FiveM\\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSLauncher” ros:launcher --parent_pid=14704 “D:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe”
[ 1562] launcher! “D:\FiveM\\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSLauncher” ros:launcher --parent_pid=14704 “D:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe”
[ 1562] Initialized system mapping!
[ 1578] Replacing function table list entry 0x14054f000 with 0x14054f000
[ 4984] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml
[ 4984] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml
[ 5140] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml
[ 5156] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml
[ 5156] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml
[ 15921] XAudio2 patches initializing
[ 17171] [FontRenderer] Initializing DirectWrite.
[ 17171] [FontRenderer] IDWriteFactory2 unavailable (hr=80004002), colored font rendering will not be used
[ 18656] process exited with 7!

I installed it like it should be in a separated folder in my D drive, same as my GTA 5 game folder.

Filepath for FiveM: D:\FiveM
Filepath for GTA: D:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V

I am having the same issue here, the social club thing shows up then nothing happens afterwards. I can see the processes running. Also I’m on W7

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