Lastlife Zombie Survival | Beta | QBCORE | Custom Cars | Custom Clothing | Survival | Economy | PvP | PvE


Thank you for checking out this post. Hopefully you will find something you’ve been loking for here.

We are LastLife, we are a zombie survival community. In a post apocalyptic world, where everything has gone to hell and the map has been abandoned and the will to live has been erased.

We have a range of different things to do like:

  • Looting Zombies
  • Mining
  • Lumberjack
  • Drugs, Drugs, and MORE DRUGS
  • Pawnshop


  • Diffferent Tiers of zombies - bigger tier(boss zombies) give better loot
  • Dumpsters/Trashcans - You can be a raccoon and scavenge the trash for items
  • Abandoned Vehicles - Believe it or not people left their items behind when leaving their vehicle in the middle of street


  • Safezone - The safest place on the map where no zombies nor players can touch you
  • Darkzones - The Worst place to be where ALL of the PvP is. But obviously with more risk comes more reward.
  • Redzones - These usually come with a heist/mission where players, with a certain role, can get pinged that a heist is in progress


  • You can get a crew created with a min amount of 3 and a max amount of 10 players per crew(but you can get a partnership with other crews)

We currently have 4 different roles within the city. All roles are constantly getting updated with their rank, which is dependent on the persons RP

  • Medic - Can revive and also gets pings of other players going down
  • Mechanic - Is the only ones available to upgrade players vehicles
  • Marshall - Gets pings of players doing heists/missions/house robberies
  • Scavenger - Gets better chances at better loot

We are currently in beta, and have a variety of different things to do with alot more constantly getting added along with monthly/weekly events.

DISCORD: Discord

Few more Features Added.

  • Added a methcar. Now if you have all the right stuff, you can cook meth inside of a journey. Must third eye the journey. Make sure you’re in discrete location.
  • Adjusted payout of mining
  • Adjusted payout of methrun and cokerun

Bumping…my internet has been down for a couple days and with lastnights storms, probably delayed it even more. Been using my mobile hotspot to hop in the discord just to talk to people. So no new updates unfortunately. But still looking for people. For jobs or just as civs or as a criminal. Come on in

I’m fairly new to fivem. I’ve been struggling finding a city that I can cozy up to. When I first flew in, just by the intro, I knew this is where I wanted to be. Getting started was quick and painless. I’d say the economy is more than fair. Scripts seem to be working just fine. The members here are good people, very inviting and the staff team here are quick to respond to issues and any help you need. The community is small but the city is is big. All it needs is daily players like you and me to bring out it’s full potential. So come on by and be a part of something truly amazing in the works

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We are currently working on the mining script and a few other that rely on ped targeting with the third eye. We’ve found a weird bug that causes you not to be able to target certain peds. So if you hop in city and find that a guy wearing a suit and tie is holding a clipboard outside of the mineshaft. It is because right now that is the only ped that we have found that seems to work for the script. It’s a weird bug and is something being worked on. My Internet has been down for the past week so I haven’t really been able to hop in and do work on the city. I am now back up and going and hoping to get as many people in as possible. I really don’t want to see this city die off like many others do when there is so much potiential and possibilities with this fine city. So Hop on in and join us. We can’t wait to have you

Not much updates yet. Haven’t really been working on the server much as alot of the people in the discord haven’t been jumping in and playing lately so don’t really know of any bugs as of late. Still working and still looking for new people.

The first person to hop in wanting a gang gets it free. So we can get some gang activity going

We’ve had a few bug fixes, things are looking better right now, We are looking for players who know EMS, PD, and other whitelisted things

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