LA roads

Hello I AM trying to install LA ROADS into FiveM, but i cant find them
Can Someone link me one without open iv
I tried THE one from this site
But THE roads are stil same;(

Moved to #development:scripts, post it in the correct category next time please. :slight_smile:

Search button is there for a reason :wink:


the only one that works properly is the server sided version the client sided is outdated and broken and i have not found a fix , but the server sided should work but its a lot of files that the client will have to download after it is cached in you fivem files it will not be as laggy but until you drive on all those roads and download the textures you might experience lag depending on internet speeds etc its really not recommended client sided would be another story and less strain on your rig , sometimes u might time out loading the file but next time you load into the server it should be there , make sure to turn the server off add the new resource to the startups , and clear your server cache before starting the server again

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im getting weird things like that around my mlo is there a way to delete that?