L!VE Roleplay | Demi-serious RP | Whitelist Jobs | Realistic Economy | Grand Opening | 18+ | New Community

:palm_tree:L!VE ROLEPLAY 2024 :palm_tree:

We are a GTA RP community that has recently launched our very own FiveM project this year and are looking forward to welcoming more members into our community. We comprise mainly of Roleplaying enthusiasts who’ve acquired extensive RP knowledge from various communities dedicated towards specific aspects of Roleplaying in general. Whether you’re a seasoned Roleplayer or new to the scene, our vibrant community is here to welcome you with open arms.

Our team of support staff members are committed towards providing our members with the right amount of help they require to navigate through their journey in ease. We’ve developed our server to help nurture Roleplayers from all sorts of communities. From High-Stakes heists to everyday life in Los Santos, every session is unique with it’s own Dynamic stories.

In here at L!VE, we aim to provide our Roleplayers with the best experience and diversify this experience without restricting their creativity and imagination. We believe in creating a fun, inclusive environment where everyone can express themselves. Join us today and be part of a community that’s all about creativity, adventure, and friendship. Visit our discord to get started and meet your new roleplaying family!

Here are some of our salient features you may be interested in…

:house_with_garden:Unique Housing System:

Our housing system comprises of various features that would allow our players to significantly manage their homes with a few clicks. From being able to place furniture’s as you please, to saving vehicles in dedicated home garages, we’ve got you covered on all ends. Additionally players can protect their homes from those wretched thieves with the help of security cameras. Houses range from various economic prices hailing at different locations across the state of San Andreas, with amenities like bigger garage spaces, heavier stashes etc.
Players may contact our Dynasty8 employees for more information.

:red_car: Advanced Valet system:

With luxuries spanning the earth, lethargy isn’t just an option anymore. Players can have their vehicle delivered by valet services from any part of the city. Simply pull out your phone and use the Garage application to call in your vehicle through the valet.

:office: Player Owned Businesses:

Players can purchase businesses in the city ranging from Car dealerships to Customs shops, from Restaurants to Liquor stores, from Gas Stations to Motels, from White Widow to The Vanilla Unicorn.

:golf: Activities to Engage in Recreationally:

Players can engage themselves in recreational activities like Golfing and Bowling. Additionally players can also engage in Street races. Watch out for those cops and speed cameras!

:cat:‍:bust_in_silhouette: Ill-gotten Gains:

Criminals in the city can engage in various illegal activities like drug-dealing, bank heists, vehicle robberies etc. Locations to manufacture various drugs ranging from Ketamine to Methamphetamine are scattered across the map hidden from the cops only known to the Real ones. Additionally drugs can be manufactured through different ways like Drug labs and Meth vans. Make sure the cops aren’t tailing you while you’re at it. Joining crews in the city may help widen your network within the underworld.

:construction: Non-Whitelisted jobs:

Citizens of the city can work non-whitelisted jobs, if whitelisted jobs aren’t their thing. We’ve got a variety of jobs like Mining, Gruppe6, Postal Delivery, Trucking, Oil Delivery, Lumberjack, Farming and Garbage collection.

:briefcase: Whitelisted jobs:

Looking for a thrilling journey and experience the power behind serving the people of your state first hand? Join our state troopers in the action by getting enlisted for organizations like the Los Santos Police Department, Blaine County Sheriff’s Department and Los Santos Medical Services. Additionally, you may join the Department of Justice, if you’re looking for something along the lines of advocacy.

:hammer_and_wrench: Crafting System:

Players can craft various items, that can be used for both legal and illegal purposes. From crafting Weapons to tools for criminal activities, there’s a lot in store for players.

:video_camera: Streamer Friendly environment:

We are the first city to help accommodate streamers and content creators within our community and provide them with the necessary resources they require to help advertise and diversify their content. More information on the same can be acquired via opening a ticket in our discord server.

With a lot of potential features within our city, we’re doing our best to build and support our community. If you are one such person who’d be interested in joining our community feel free to join our discord server today. We’ve also got plans to publish seasonal updates alongside major updates that would keep our players engaged within our community.

Our Discord: FiveM: L!VE Roleplay
Our Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@LIVERoleplayFiveM


With multiple FiveM Roleplay projects coming up on FiveM, it’s impressive how far they’ve come along. Worth a try really!


Fascinating stuff! Love the businesses and community, very friendly and helpful. Finally a place, I can call home :slight_smile:



L!VE Roleplay is extremely proud to announce it’s first ever Halloween 2024 event for all it’s community members.

Celebrate trick or treatin’ along with a side quest that may even set you up for life in the city of Los Santos. Find and capture images of Seven different Couldrons placed across the state of San Andreas and post them in the Share-It application on your phone along with the hash-tag #Spooky .

The first 3 players to find all 7 locations and have them posted on the social media app, will be rewarded with the prizes mentioned in the attachment below!

No place is safe when the spirits of Los Santos rise. Ready to join the chaos :interrobang:



The city prevails on Law enforcement when it comes to it’s pride and prejudice, however, sometimes justice isn’t served the way it’s supposed to be. Hence, the Government of San Andreas is now looking for a leader who’s experienced and qualified enough to run it’s Department of Justice.

The leader will be provided with provisions and support to help establish their rapport and develop the organization from scratch. Additionally, if they require any assistance from other organizations, our city’s development team will get them sorted with the same.

If you have any questions, you may DM us, or reach out to us by opening a ticket on our discord.

L!VE ROLEPLAY WINTER UPDATE 2024 :santa::snowflake:

Winter is here and… :snowflake:

the city of Los Santos is White! :cloud_snow:

We are extremely excited to announce that our first ever Winter update is now L!VE! Enjoy Sledding, Snow-boarding and Skiing with your friends in the city. Make sure to practice caution while you’re at it, and watch out for rocks on the way! :sled: :skier: :snowboarder:

But if you’re up to kick it a notch, there are always snow-balls you can throw at your friends. Make sure to collect as much as snow as you can before. Use the /christmas command to access the crafting menu and press the G key to collect snow from the ground. And for those in search of a Christmas adventure, we’ve got you covered with a treasure hunting system where multiple Christmas gifts are kept across various hidden locations across the state of San Andreas for our player’s to find. These may contain prizes ranging from rare items to even cars! :eyes:

If that doesn’t satisfy you yet, wait till you hear about our Tree system! We’ve designed and crafted a special Christmas tree system for our players where they can de-forest them and place them in their homes or anywhere else they want! Players can decorate these trees with lights and other Christmas decorations they’ve purchased from the store. The system also allows players to place gifts underneath the tree, which they can tag with a name and place items in from their inventory. Other players can open these gifts too, so be careful with whom you gift what! :christmas_tree: :gift:

But that’s not all :santa:

This year Santa comes bearing gifts, and what better way to gift our players than through community-run events! We advise all our players to keep an eye on the #:snowflake:║𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗌-event channel for more information on events that will be conducted before and during Christmas!

From the team of L!VE, we wish everyone an advanced Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :milky_way:

Join our discord server today, to be a part of the fun and frolic adventures one can indulge in the snow!


L!VE Community Plug | December 2024 | Join us in the fun! :snowflake:

Join us today on our discord: https://dsc.gg/liveroleplay


Their Winter update is insane! Probably one of the best RP projects on FiveM ever. Spent countless hours in their city, and I love every single bit of it! They’ve got amazing staff, receptive developers and owners, and all in all, an amazing community of players :heart: