Our story begins in the State of San Andreas, in an effort to rid themselves of some debt, the USA have effectively sold the island-state of San Andreas to their British friends across the pond. It is with this simple premise, we start our shared stories together.
Join us, as we aim to craft a role-playing environment where British attitudes meets American problems.
Project: British Roleplay was conceived to be a fresh take on what ‘British Themed RP’ can be within FiveM. Most servers who venture down this path simply plop down a ton of British (normally London) themed assets in an effort to try to fool the player into thinking they are in a British city which looks a lot like San Andreas. Instead, we have created a simple and easy narrative to explain why we haven’t done this. Your character will be among the first inhabitants living within this now British-run state. Perhaps you were an American citizen who doesn’t agree with the British effectively buying you over, or perhaps you’re a European who sees this has a major opportunity? Either way, this is the stepping on point for crafting something wholly unique.
What our aims are:
- Create a unique roleplaying narrative with our take on British Roleplay.
- Not remove the feel of what ‘normal’ FiveM feels like.
- Utilize our experienced Staff and Developers to craft a fun and engaging environment where roleplay is rewarded and encouraged.
- Create advanced gameplay loops that feel enjoyable to pursue, with multiple ways of achieving goals or obtaining things.
- Create a safe and welcoming environment where players of all ability levels feel nurtured and respected.
What do we define as ‘British-themed’?
- Our Police will not carry firearms by default, instead will utilize pepper sprays and batons.
- Our in-City Laws are adaptions of British laws, with some tweaks to accomodate the American hertiage of SA.
- Police Vehicles are lore-friendly liveried vehicles which fit the aesthetic of SA.
- While US Dollars will be obtainable, Pounds Sterling will be considered the legal tender.
Everything else is what you would expect in a standard FiveM RP server.
Want to know more?
In the interest of keeping this post somewhat short and readable, I would invite you to join our Discord and ask any questions you have regarding this project. I will then update this post with relevant information that is missing.
I promise this will become unlike anything you’ve seen before!