Join TFRP - TookFlightRoleplay Today!

At TookFlightRoleplay, we offer a warm and supportive environment for members of our roleplay community. Our community is a hub for creativity, imagination, and self-expression, where every member is encouraged to participate in exciting and engaging roleplay scenarios. Our community is ideal for those looking for a space to connect with like-minded individuals, get lost in fantastic stories, and develop new friendships.


At TookFlightRoleplay we are a roleplay community on FiveM grand theft auto 5 Make sure to read the rules and enjoy your stay at TFRP

  • Roleplay
  • Active Staff to insure good RP :hammer_and_wrench:
  • Make drugs and sell them to players :pill:
  • Own a shop :money_mouth_face:
  • Have 5 personals put in for free! :pickup_truck:
  • Make friends :star:
  • Join a Department to help and serve! :police_car::ambulance:

You can also go,

  • Mining :pick:
  • Fishing :deer:
  • Hunting :deer:
  • Gold Panning :fire: