💼 Jobs Creator 7.0 [ESX][QBCore] - in-game Job Creation Menu without server restart

Hello, from the menu settings you can change the position

the system to take its service and a little badly made because when we reboot we are already in service it would be cool to make it so that we must go to the point to take its service

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Hi, if you want to set off duty by default you can use the events in the documentation to set the player off duty as soon he loads in the server :+1:

ingame /jobcreator menu or in resource folder?

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I just bought this plugin. But is it normal that the content of the plugin is garbled?

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Hello, yes it’s normal, the script uses the FiveM escrow system

Update 4.11.0

  • Removed the progress bar for market if the time to sell was 0
  • Added percentage that society will receive when a player sells in market (only for job markers, not for public markers)

(suggestion) make it so that one must take or not its service when one collects treat ect put an option kind check if one wants to take its service to collect or not same for the service dress if one does not have service dress one can not collect

also at the sale that there is the notification for the sale of company that wins

i have two ideas:

  1. how about if there is money in the society account and you can buy goods, the goods are put in a warehouse. for example, you can let someone farm without you being there, he brings the goods and get his money for it?

It would also be good if you go on duty so that you can use various functions, such as releasing radio frequencies or blocking off duty

Hi Jak,

A suggestion, can you add the delivery parameter for temporary and purchasable vehicles please

Top of the line otherwise, 24 job configuring on it with heavy stuff like LSPD, LSMC, LSFD and other, everything works fine

i have question can i add handcuff animation to a other animation?

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i want this anim but idk how i do this lol

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Hello, it’s not possible to do that

Good job. Very nice script and easy to use :+1:

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add the possibility to put in service with esx_service and put the garages with unlimited cars

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Thank you very much :grin:

i still get this scricpt error after starting my server… i can’t use the jobcreator…anyone an idea??

Hello, what version of the script are you using? You can see it in fxmanifest.lua

somtimes i get the error "the job marker could not be updated " then i restart the script add one thing then get the same problem.

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