Job Center (QB/ESX)

Job Types

  • normal jobs like fishing/miner
    when player selects a normal job he takes it right away

  • whitelisted jobs : like police/ambulance
    when player selects a whitelisted job a location of the department will be shown on the map so player can go there and talk for getting hired



  • you can set multiple job centers in different locations

  • super easy to add jobs on the list

  • you can set image, title, location and the short description of the job

  • you can set location for all jobs so player will know where he must go after selecting the job

  • fully optimized, 0.00 passive and 0.01 when your near the marker

  • supports esx and qb

Tebex Link

my Biggest projects

HUNK-AC (Detects Eule*n and RedEngine)

ESX Society Remastered + More Options

my Other Scripts

Advanced Lock System (QB, ESX)
Uber Eats (ESX, QB)
Advanced Black Market
Crafting System (ESX/QB)
Realistic Coffee Job (ESX)

Code is accessible part of it
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements esx/qb
Support Yes always

Clean, and a low price. Gonna check this out.

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Hey there. The job center is showing up in the server but the jobs arnt working? How do i fix this?

hello you need to open a ticket on my discord