Jo Libraries - A powerfull tool to create scripts



We are happy to introduce you to our new free libraries!

These libraries are built to improve the creation of scripts by creating a code standard.
Many interesting libraries are already released in this 1st version.

The main library is the framework-bridge: A powerful tool to create a multi-framework script without taking care of how to work all of them one by one.
The library manages that for you!

Example :
If you want to give an item to your player, just call this function :


In the back-end, this function will detect which framework you have on your server and call the right function/export to process the give.
It’s magic!

You can also find other libraries as:

  • Prompt
  • Database
  • …

Read more about other libraries/features in our documentation !

If you have some suggestions, we are opened :slight_smile:

:link: Download - Release 1.1.0 · Jump-On-Studios/RedM-jo_libs · GitHub
:link: Documentation - Jump On Library | Jump On Docs


Work in progress of the new clothes library :

  • Persistence of clothes wearable state
  • Persistence of clothes custom colors

I would like to extend my compliments to Kad for “jo_libs”. This library is not only very well designed but also incredibly user-friendly and easy to understand. I use “jo_libs” every day in my projects and am consistently impressed by its versatility and reliability.

I particularly want to highlight the menu system, which offers a variety of cool and useful features. The intuitive structure and extensive functionalities have often helped me to solve complex tasks easily and efficiently.

A big thank you to Kad, for this excellent work. Your library has significantly improved and enriched my development experience. Please keep up the great work!