A simeple resource for ox inventory for a personal protected inventory, Player can access the protected inventory with a keybind and you can restrict which items they can store in there protected inventory
I was skimming through the code, it seems that you are overwriting the same GlobalState.inventoryid for every player that joins. So from what it looks like, every player will share the inventory of the latest connected player
[script:JG_ProtectInv] SCRIPT ERROR: ox_lib must be started before this resource.
[script:JG_ProtectInv] > fn (@ox_lib/init.lua:23)
[script:JG_ProtectInv] SCRIPT ERROR: @JG_ProtectInventory/main.lua:5: No such export registerHook in resource ox_inventory
Im getting this error
did not modified anything, using esx and ox inventory