JG Advanced Garages now available for ESX!

My popular garages script for QBCore is now available for ESX Legacy! The garage is an all-in-one script with public, private, job, gang and private garages, all wrapped up in a clean and easy to use interface. Here is a quick overview of everything it has to offer:

  • :gem: Clean, intuitive and super easy to use UI
  • :red_car: Multiple garage locations & easy transfers between garages
  • :airplane: Car, boat and air garages
  • :construction: Vehicle impound with self-retrieval, price, timer and reason
  • :toolbox: Job garages - owned vehicles or vehicle spawner
  • :house_with_garden: Private garages (for houses or other private properties)
  • :white_check_mark: Duplication and spawn pileup protection
  • :computer: Admin commands for managing vehicles
  • :sparkles: Highly customisable config file and callback functions
  • :earth_americas: Available in English and Dutch out the box + ability to add more
  • :heart: Responsive, one-to-one personal support + free updates for life!

The script is very well optimised, easy to configure and lightweight. It measures 0ms in background and just 0.04ms when active.


Showcase and Walkthrough video (YouTube)

Buy the Script!

Tebex: https://store.jgscripts.com/package/5126524 [edit 2023: now a universal script for QBCore & ESX]


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2500
Requirements ESX Legacy, oxmysql
Support Yes


I also make it for QBCore!

Tebex: https://store.jgscripts.com/package/5126524


possible to set NOT to spawn in the car after leaving a parking space and change the “3d text” to another notification. Are the commands you use included or where can I get “/admincar” from?

It’s not currently possible to not spawn inside the car :frowning:
But you can configure the script to not use 3D text, and we can help you get this set up!
All commands are included, /admincar is built into the script :slight_smile:

the only thing i need… don’t spawn directly in the car :smiley: maybe that will come at some point and then the garage will definitely be bought

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This is only a one line change, so I’m pretty happy to the config option for you - will post the update shortly :slight_smile:

Looks dope and clean,
though it uses Escrow. :frowning:

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It does yes :frowning: it’s frustrating I know, but I really appreciate you checking it out anyways!

I can say from personal experience that this is one of the best garage scripts I’ve ever seen and worked with. If only the transfer of vehicle could be set to the faction boss. :smile: But I managed to do it with my own script for it. :smile: