:warning: Information

Standalone Jail Script

:hammer: Requirements

mythic_notify - (OPTIONAL) - For notifications when in jail

:hammer_and_wrench: Features

  • Ace Permissions (jail.commands)
  • Discord Logging


  • /jail [Player ID] [Seconds] - Requires jail.commands ace permission
  • /unjail [Player ID] - Requires jail.commands ace permission
  • /jailme

:camera: Preview

(Streamable Link)

:inbox_tray: Download

Download via Github

:gear: How to install

  1. Add the Jail folder to your FiveM resources directory.
  2. Edit your server.cfg and add “ensure Jail

If you have any issues or suggestions please put them below.


Nice script, small suggestion:
If the user leaves the server and comes back it puts him back to jail. :snail:


permission not working

  1. The preview video can’t be found

  2. The mythic notify also is giving me a 404 can’t be found on GitHub

  3. Can this be in menu form as well - maybe like toggable in the config where it can be commands or buttons in a small custom menu