IZZY SHOP Pause Menu Free [esx / qb]


https://izzy.tebex.io/package/6022055 QB CORE
https://izzy.tebex.io/package/6022056 ESX

izzy-PauseMenu Open Source QB.pack.zip (4.7 MB)
izzy-PauseMenu Open Source ESX.pack.zip (4.7 MB)

My other works

Izzy Shop Hud V3

Multicharacter V3


Github no ?

I can’t install it, it gives me an error, I don’t understand why

free resource need to have direct download or github

money shows a decimal. had to use PauseMenuFix command just in order for it to work.

Hello, I can’t access the github site right now

Then upload it to the forums directly for now, and make sure to properly license it.

I sent everything properly and even you can look at it correctly, I can’t access github in my country right now.

You can upload a ZIP file to your forum topic directly.

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Thank you

I’ve noticed when some users connect, an errors pops up in the server console for steam api failing. I have it set both in my server config and also the scripts server file.

I like the concept

thankyou for this releases, i have an idea to grab patch update from my custom website via api

i just connect patch update to my custom update news, so don’t need to use config.lua for update

ID, cash, bank are not displayed correctly. There is an error and cannot be used

this is because steamid missing, just remove or change to get discod avatar

You lack the required entitlement to use izzy-PauseMenu how to fix it?

when i go to tebex for some reason it wont let me purchase the pause menu

I’m very good, but the ID isn’t getting right… but thank you, may God bless you!

Bom Dia é pq vc baixou com uma conta e jogou em na base com outra conta , tenta baixar na mesma conta que está na sua base!