It is possible to get all function server and client side?

I want to request all functions at server and client side.
Any ideas? Thanks.

Uh, can you elaborate a little more on that? Which functions exactly are you talking about?

To get the functions from all the resources in one resource

There dont appear to be any natives for it, so your best bet is to load the server’s files into something like VSCode and just do a search for function

I know someone released a script to get all Threads a few months ago, made for optimization.

Give google a go for this, and perhaps “rewrite” it, to seach for RegisterNetEvent or function.

uhm no you don’t understand me i want to load All functions in one table

You can’t do that.

why not?

One script can’t access an other memory. If you want to share a function among all your scripts you need to register it as an export.