Issues with intermittent voice dropouts

been running my city for 3 years never once experienced this, people are dropping out on their mic randomly, sometimes you can hear them sometimes you cant and this goes for everyone, i even rebuilt the whole city from scratch on a new qbcore framework and its still doing it… Host says everything checks out and all my scripts/resources seem to be fine, im at a loss with this and about to pull my hair out

had the same issue for months, moved to a vps and worked ever since

we were with rocket node

I’m using goodleaf VDS which I’ve used in the past without issue, what VPS did you move to?


the dev also adjusted the server timing? (cant remember what setting it is or proper name) and he is in bed so cant tell you atm.

I will find out and let you know

im using goodleaf bro have been for years still happening to me. can you elaborate on ur issue and how you fixed it?

it seemed to be when more that 6 ppl joined the server, the rest that joined had broken chat as in crackling, only hearing some words, sometimes nothing.

As i said, there was something the dev did with the server which I dont remember so I will ask him when he is up and let you know

The easy fix is to host your VoIP on another server:

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Seems like a decent idea but I dont use Mumble I use PMA-voice. and I’ve never had todo this in the 3 years of development so ill probably pass on that idea. Seems like a bandaid not a solution

PMA-Voice and any other VOIP script runs on Mumble (outside of TeamSpeak-based services which aren’t popular at all nowadays), so this still applies to you. PMA-Voice is simply a script to use what Mumble offers in a fairly optimized manner and with added control options, that’s it.

I understand that but everything uses PMA-voice and to my knowledge it’s actually supposed to be better than mumble. The point is, I shouldnt have to use Mumble, PMA-voice has served me well for 3 years and thats what 99% of cities use. Theres obviously an actual issue here.

Yeah, if you want to get down to it the issue is the FXServer architecture, really, as it only has a single thread for VOIP stuff - it gets busy very fast with a larger playercount. Offloading VOIP onto another server allows you to dedicate extra resources to it, and it IS the go-to solution if you’re having VOIP troubles on your server that happen to players regardless of client factors.

we had the same issue with broken chat. Seemed to be the loading priority in server.cfg and adjusting the priority in task manager in VPS.

That was the fix for us.

We did try hosting on another server, didnt fix the issue for us.

This doesnt seem to be a common problem as there are very few posts complaining about this issue and therefore advice on how to fix it

Can you elaborate on this? you talking about the fx cre.fx server box?

also what priority was off about your server.cfg?

Hey, this is an known issue (their DDoS protection provider)

For us, the was giving issues with external voice. I can help you setting it up. You can shoot me a pm on my Discord: czsquizer . We solved that by setting up a separate unprotected VPS for voice server, just installed a “FXserver” with no resources and use it for hosting. At the end we moved outside

the issue is with the fivem filter for as its not meant to be used for fivem its meant to be used for fivem proxies, for fivem you should use the gta v filter