Issues connecting to the nopixel server but no crash screen or any errors

What is the issue you’re having?

Upon connecting to the server i keep getting stuck on this screen (its in error screenshots)
And it stays like that untill i decide to turn off fivem
Error you see in f8 also has my friend thats able to connect
I have tried leaving it like that for a longer period of time and nothing happens at all it just stays like that
Ive been playing on that server for a year now and had the same issue once a year ago but it somehow resolved itself i didnt have to do anything
Im able to connect to other servers

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

I have tried verifying gta installations and deleting fivem cashe. Also reinstalled everything including drivers and windows multiple times. Tried installing it on different hard drives. Tried running fivem in different compability modes. I wasnt able to try run it as administrator for some reason. Tried different wifis and different ways of connecting my pc to wifis (in case it was a connection issue). Tried running it without any apps running in the back (i used to be able to load in no issue with apps such as discord spotify youtube sometimes even another game all running at the same time).

What server did you get this issue on?

Nopixel (public green)

Error screenshot(s)

Windows version

Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.5371)

System specifications

Device name DESKTOP-M9Q8HVL
Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
Device ID 5CFB9B55-47B5-4A11-917A-1F6875DA91C3
Product ID 00331-10000-00001-AA581
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

Antivirus software

Just wIndows antivirus thingy thats comes with windows

Additional comments

My pc might be a potato but it very rarely crashes mid game on nopixel (mby once a month)
Also my graphic settings are as low as possible to minimise any lag but my pc was able to run it with higher graphc settings too for a while

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Upload the latest .log file when this occurs, don’t try to guess what exact line in F8 may be causing you the issue.


btw theres a bunch off errors in logs even when i manage to get in its really strange.
pretty much 50 50 if ill load in or not

There’s not a whole lot of useful info the logs, post one from when it gets stuck on the blackscreen in your screenshot - gotta figure out what exactly it hangs on

from f8 or logs ? i have no idea when it stops loading in in logs thats what im trying to figure out
heres all errors from f8

  1. Error: Unhandled promise failure: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘deliveryCoords’)

  2. [9:50 PM]

^1SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled rejection): TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘interactionModels’)^7

  1. [9:50 PM]

Error: Unhandled promise failure: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘properties’)

  1. [9:50 PM]

SCRIPT ERROR: @bob74_ipl/lib/observers/interiorIdObserver.lua:14: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘GTAOApartmentHi1’)^7

  1. [9:50 PM]

Error: Unhandled promise failure: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘characterLimit’)

  1. ^1Error: Unhandled promise failure: Error: RPC timed out | config:getClientConfig

  2. [9:49 PM]

SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled rejection): Error: RPC timed out | config:getClientConfig^7

So this error pops up in f8 when I’m supposed to get to the character menu

Error: Unhandled promise failure: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘characterLimit’)

Does this mean anything ? Ive been having these crashes past few days when its suppoused to get stuck intead of load in

There’s something seriously wrong with your connection to the server, do you have any similar issues on other servers at all?

I tried connecting to public prodigy and I got in without any issue. I also tried using a vpn but it didn’t change anything at all.
Do you think it’s WiFi related? My ping is 130 which is considered low-ish on that server I believe

Shouldn’t have anything to do with ping from a traditional understanding, is the server you’re having issues on using any kind of proxy/“tunnel” at all?

I have no idea how to check that
I’m having issues on public nopixel server if that’s what you’re asking
And if you’re asking about vpn I was using planet vpn because it’s free and doesn’t crash

I Google about planet vpn it says it’s “proxy vpn”
Can you suggest me any other free vpn I can try out?

That’s unrelated, contact the staff of the specific server you’re having issues on for help. I would imagine NoPixel surely uses some kind of proxy in front of their actual server, and it’s looking like the most probable cause of your issues if it’s the only server you have this happen on.

I doubt server staff will reply anytime soon

Meanwhile I have some extra questions about stuff I found a workaround for a while ago but I’d like to find a proper solution too

When connecting to some fivem servers I get error “failed to load after 3 tries” I know several people that get this sometimes (from all over the world and with both good and bad pcs) but lately I’ve been getting it every single time I try to connect
Do you have any idea what this might be related to? You said I most likely have connection issue and that seems like a connection issue I could start from figuring out my solution

Also it takes me ages to verify server files when connecting and I don’t know why or what it depends on
If I knew I’d just get a better pc part
I just know it’s not WiFi related because it loads in same speeds with 10mb/s and 300mb/s wifis

Also when connecting and verifying server files none of my pc parts are getting clocked working too hard cpu jumps up and down a bit but nothing special
I have 16 gb ram about 12gb is in use when on nopixel could that have anything to do with my issue?

hey i just found another poster with the exact same issue on same servre and he managed to contact staff and was told its not their but fivem issue

things in common me and him have is potato pc and we both use windows 10

could it be that we are not loading the server in quick enough and getting timed out by fivem?

someone had the same issue years ago too that was resolved by a windows 10 update

Could it be that my hard drive is loading the game too slow and I’m getting timed out by the server?

Unlikely, unless your drive is failing a mechanical drive would not make this happen the only thing i can suggest is try putting the game on another drive “a SSD if you got one” otherwise its more then likely server related and not something to do with yourself.

Your PC specs may not be great but it would not cause this to happen either you and that other poster probably got something else in common ‘network related issues’ if not a server sided problem.