Looking for a script that will announce server restarts for our community server. Would like something that is fairly simple and easy to use as I’m fairly new and not the best at coding
This is built into FXServer via txAdmin. You can schedule reboots and announce them in-game and discord via webhook.
Ok so I look in those but how do you make it actually work? I’m not the smartest with the coding and all that stuff
No coding involved. Just start FXserver and read the prompts in the console. It should prompt you with a 4 digit code that you put into the address listed and then once you’re in txAdmin then go to settings and you’ll find the scheduling settings in there.
I don’t think we have fix server or txadmin
We have a hosted server on zap
ZAP doesn’t support txAdmin. There are a multitude of resources available to assist you with making “automatic announcements”. An easy example would be (note: don’t actually use this, as it’s not that great)
while true do
Wait(60000) -- Every 60 seconds
-- Write code here to send a chat message
yeah a good announcement and a better restart for server hosted on zap servers sounds good. Zaps restart planer sucks