Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

I am trying to pass a bunch of values from the server to the client and it is assigning the wrong values to the wrong variables for some reason

AddEventHandler('playerCreation', function(player, source, ped, resemblance, skintone, ddad, dmom, mom, dad, gender, ogd, lcgd, hair, hair_color_1, outfit, beard, beard_2, beard_3, eyebrows, eyebrows_2, eyebrows_3, blush_1, blush_2, blush_3, sun_1, sun_2, complexion_1, complexion_2, bodyb_1, bodyb_2, age_1, age_2, eye_color, makeup_1, makeup_2, makeup_3, lipstick_1, lipstick_2, lipstick_3, moles_1, moles_2, neck_thick, chin_hole, chin_width, chin_length, chin_height, jaw_1, jaw_2, lips_thick, eye_open, cheeks_3, cheeks_2, cheeks_1, eyebrows_6, eyebrows_5, nose_6, nose_5, nose_4, nose_3, nose_2, nose_1, glasses)

received from

TriggerClientEvent('playerCreation', player, source, pedsaved, resemblance, skintone, ddad, dmom, mom, dad, gender, ogd, lcgd, hair, hair_color_1, outfit, beard, beard_2, beard_3, eyebrows, eyebrows_2, eyebrows_3, blush_1, blush_2, blush_3, sun_1, sun_2, complexion_1, complexion_2, bodyb_1, bodyb_2, age_1, age_2, eye_color, makeup_1, makeup_2, makeup_3, lipstick_1, lipstick_2, lipstick_3, moles_1, moles_2, neck_thick, chin_hole, chin_width, chin_length, chin_height, jaw_1, jaw_2, lips_thick, eye_open, cheeks_3, cheeks_2, cheeks_1, eyebrows_6, eyebrows_5, nose_6, nose_5, nose_4, nose_3, nose_2, nose_1, glasses) 

an example is in the client the value of ped is taking on the value of resemblance and resemblance is taking on skintone’s value, it works correctly on the server side but i need to use it on the client side, I can also see that it is saved in the database correctly, is there an error in my code? is it a bug with fxserver? i dont get why its assigning incorrect values

if need be i can upload a copy of my code

It’s TriggerClientEvent("eventName", source, ...)

You’re triggering the client event on player, not source

Edit : also, instead of passing a million variables, just pass a single json and decode it on the client instead

Edit2: why are you defining source on the client AddEventHandler ? There is no need for that