Is there a real working fuel sync?

Hello everyone,

Is there a ready solution for syncing the petrol tank in vehicles? There are currently good solutions on the market, but they all have the problem that if the vehicles are too far away and they are despawned, they have a random fuel level after respawning through e.g. AdvancedParking.
Are there ready-made variants that save the state in the db or in a json and set it again after you come back?

That would save me time. Thank you

yes if u like help tap in send me ur discord id be glad to help

Since you mentioned my AdvancedParking :sweat_smile:

I have done some minor testing regarding decorators (which many fuel scripts still use!):
These are synced between players. However when there is no player in scope of the entity, these decorators are lost. When getting back in scope the player will not have the relevant information set on the vehicle. That’s why this issue arises.

Fuel scripts that do not use decorators but e.g. state bags will work without a problem since these stay properly synced even when the entity is completely out of scope.

Also AdvancedParking is capable of saving any state bags applied after the vehicle was registered once and can reapply them after respawning it.

Sadly I cannot remember off the top my head which one is compatible. I’ve seen a few but my memory for names is really bad xD