Is it essential to use one sync?

I have a Linux vps running a five M server and would like to know what the advantages and disadvantages are of using one sync compared to not are, I appreciate any advice :slight_smile:

Non-onesync is considered deprecated by now and the default server.cfg enables onesync. Onesync brings sync improvements and server-side entity state awareness so you can do entity scripting serversided.

Onesync infinity should also give performance improvements since far-away players are not ingame, up to 10242048 slots and concept of ‘virtual world’s


Ok, thanks for the clarification, I appreciate it.

Just to add, some older scripts may not work properly with having OneSync Infinity enabled, as, while it’s active, other players that are far away do not “exist” for your client. Mainly, older Admin Menus and that sort of scripts will need to be updated to work with Infinity properly. This does not happen for OneSync Legacy, however, but Legacy only allows up to 48 players (64 with Argentum or Aurum / 128 with Platinum subscription to CFX Patreon) while Infinity allows 64 by default and up to 1024 with Platinum.
It is recommended to use Infinity, but nothing is technically stopping you from using the Legacy one. Running a server without any form of OneSync, though, is not a good idea. It’s simply better to have it enabled :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thanks you.