Is deleting a mod/addon that someone paid for violating the TOS?

I have a server me and my friend are working on, and we wanted to see know if someone left after buying a in game custom car that we made made, if we can get rid of that car from the server without giving them a refund. I ask this as i didnt see anything like that in the TOS and we dont want our server to have like 20 dif custom car pack for ppl that dont play anymore.


Are the cars generic, lore-friendly or unique cars? If those cars you sold are branded cars you already broke the TOS anyway. I would strongly suggest that you add a policy both in your Discord and on your Tebex page that states that if a member stops playing for a certain amount of time, then you will remove their assets from the server. I personally give my players the option to open a ticket within 90 days of it being removed (for my community it’s custom MLOs and maps I make) to have it added back for no additional cost. You also shouldn’t need to have 20 different car packs, you can pack it all into one fairly easily.