Is Control Just Pressed isn't working

Client Side

Hi. Can somebody help me with issue in my script? I have hancuffs system on my server and i wanted to create Key shortcut to it (No need to use qtarget, just press SHIFT and U) and idk why, It doesn’t work. Waiting for a response. (The "print(‘uwu’) is to check if it even works. The answer is no)

It could be that another script is calling DisableControlAction - FiveM Natives @ Docs with your specified key for something else.
If that is the case, you should be able to use IsDisabledControlPressed - FiveM Natives @ Docs instead.

Also control id 29 is B by default and not U :slight_smile: Controls - Docs

And finally:
You are currently checking if the user just pressed Shift and holds down B while it should be the other way around.

How should I make it then?

Nvm figured it out. I changed IsControlJustPressed to IsControlPressed and placed it on the another line

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