IRL Brands | Cars / Clothing

Made a post like this a while back, but it did not get verified to be posted or something.

For a long time ago there was a lot of talking about the new rockstar TOS in the Danish FiveM Comunity, about rockstar making it so irl car brands and clothing is not allowed on fivem servers. But still too this day, see a lot of Mercedes, BMW’s, Adidas and Nike, and so on, on the danish FiveM servers.

If rockstar did so its not allowed, why are so many servers doing it? Or is it allowed and i am just dumb?

It is indeed not allowed, if you know of any such servers please file a report about it. Your best bet is to email with your findings; make sure to provide the name of the server and any proof (screenshots etc) if you have it

so is this only for Danish servers or for EVERY single server?

The rules apply to all FiveM servers with no exceptions as far as I’m aware

I just mention danish RP servers, because thats where i am from.

I don’t think its allowed.