IPL from Server Start



so I just dropped 150$ on an MLO from Uncle Just, that contains a bunch of different commands to change the interior from within server. At server start, the building is blank and i have to use a chat command to set the MLOs IPL to the wanted format.

When i leave it resets, and also its only client sided… rest of server doesnt see it without typing the command their selves.

Im trying to lock the MLO to one specific version, so that everyone joining sees the same one always.

His only suggest was: “just remove all commands and run ipl with MW from server start” but wont give more detail.

anyone know how to run a specific IPL from the server start for all clients?

Basically what almost any “IPL” script (such as bob74_ipl) does - just use the RequestIpl native in any client script that gets run on joining or whatever. If you already have an IPL script running, input the line in there.